
Constructive paper and for your points on hard and soft

Constructive paper and for your points on hard and soft negotiations. However, in the domain of negotiation, there are two theoretical solutions may be found, which are the level of aspiration theory and tension-reduction model, that in some way clash each other even though they show up recommendations upon the way to negotiate most successfully.

However level of aspiration theory (Siegel & Fouraker, 1960) suggests a relatively tight bargaining style to minimize personal losses.

In contrast, tension-reduction model (Osgood, 1962) proposes setting up a cooperative environment with unilateral concessions in the early stages of a negotiation.

This hot debate is also apparent in some empirical studies on negotiations. Some of the empirical evidence, however, indicate that a mix of extreme offers and sporadically or minimal concessions brings ideal negotiation outcomes (Huang, Lin, & Yuan, 2006), the other-though encourages unilateral concessions to bring about more concessions co ming from the other party (Hamner & Baird, 1978).

Despite the fact that it is possible that tough and challenging bargaining secures good individual ultimate outcomes, but it is less obvious how such an approach will lead to a fruitful relationship between the parties (as cited in Huffmeier et al., 2014).

With that in mind and based on your experience and readings so far, when other party uses unethical negotiation tactics which theory, level of aspiration or tension-reduction, may be best suited for negotiation?

Word-count: 350

Reference style: Harvard Style

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Supply Chain Management: Constructive paper and for your points on hard and soft
Reference No:- TGS0630796

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