Construction procurement 8527 assignment procurement plan

Procurement plan for a construction of health care center, funding by government.


A procurement plan is to be prepared for a government funded health care center. the cost is 5 million dollars. location is south Canberra.

And the procurement plan includes all the points which are written in the assessment details we need to comply with all government standards please ensure that a suitable method of procurement is used in the plan.

The cost of the project is 5 million which is being funded by government to make a health complex with swimming pool in there.

Client brief, strategic aim of the project, stakeholders, risk analysis should be covered

Description of the task

The group will choose from a series of construction procurement scenarios. These will be detailed in class.
The task is to:

a) As a group

Prepare a 10 min presentation (Film/video) to be played in class on the due date. The film/video should briefly overview the procurement strategy for the project. You may use a variety of techniques - each of you could speak, or you could do interviews/role plays or you could use a narrator - whatever you choose) which covers the following aspects of the case study:

-a description of the strategic aims of the project;

-overview of the client brief;

-stakeholder analysis of project participants/ stakeholders, and their interests - how could they effect the procurement?
-a strategic procurement analysis of the project - analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the different procurement methods, and how the procurement of the project would best be managed;

-a risk analysis;

-budget, construction time and financing, techniques to drive performance in terms of budget and time during construction

-sourcing methodology analysis and proposed strategy; proposed method of evaluation of the tenders/offers if this method is proposed;

-supply chain and site logistics analysis for the project and any issues or risks which might arise;

-how sustainability criteria could be incorporated into the procurement over the lifecycle of the project and how the results would be evaluated? and

-post construction evaluation method - how would the client and contractor/s go about evaluating success or failure of the project?

b) Individually

Write a report of approximately 3500 words (excluding tables and diagrams) in the form of a procurement plan or strategy for the project including:

-a description of the strategic aims of the project;

-overview of the client brief;

-stakeholder analysis of project participants/ stakeholders, and their interests - how could they effect the procurement?

-a strategic procurement analysis of the project - analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the different procurement methods, and how the procurement of the project would best be managed;

-a risk analysis;

-budget, construction time and financing, techniques to drive performance in terms of budget and time during construction

-sourcing methodology analysis and proposed strategy; proposed method of evaluation of the tenders/offers if this method is proposed;

-supply chain and site logistics analysis for the project and any issues or risks which might arise;

-how sustainability criteria could be incorporated into the procurement over the lifecycle of the project and how the results would be evaluated? and

-post construction evaluation method - how would the client and contractor/s go about evaluating success or failure of the project?

15 harvard reference.

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Dissertation: Construction procurement 8527 assignment procurement plan
Reference No:- TGS01387899

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