
construction procedureparts of a questbnnaire or

Construction Procedure:

Parts of a Questbnnaire or Interview Schedule A  questionnaire or  an  interview  schedule contain the following parts: 

a)  Introduction and Instructions 

Questionnaire/interview  schedules are not  complete without an  introduction. Subject have  the  right  to  know  the.purpose  of the study and why they are being questioned. Each schedule must be  prefaced by some introductory comments regarding the purpose of  the  study. For  self-administered questionnaires, it is also essential incorporate clear instructions on  the schedule itself, indicating how the  respondent to answer questions. Directions for completion of items should be  efficient and unambiguous so that respondents understand what  the  researcher wants.  Interview schedules require directions for  the  interviewer completing  the  form. Confidential and anonymity  should be  assured.  ' 

b)  Personal  data  information  contains items such  as age, sex, education, etc.

c)  Background data  include  items such as  family income, father's occupation, living environment, etc. 

d)  Content areas may  cover knowledge, opinion, belief, attitude, practices, etc. 

e)  End  with  an acknowledgment for the participation, e.g.  "thank  you".  


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Management Theories: construction procedureparts of a questbnnaire or
Reference No:- TGS0176945

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