
Construction of self to determine his behavior was wrong

Assignment task:

Michael and Kayla were working on a presentation together for their public speaking class on the pros and cons of the death penalty. They split the work up as follows: Michael would research the pros and complete the PowerPoint slides, and Kayla would research the cons, send him her research, and complete the reference page. However, Michael had been texting Kayla for two days because he hadn't received any work from her. When he finally saw Kayla in the hall, he ran up to her and yelled, "Kayla, what are you thinking? Are you lazy? Do you realize I'm doing all of our work?" Kayla immediately started crying and said she just got back from her grandmother's funeral. Using self-perception, Michael immediately apologized and hugged Kayla. Why do you think Michael hugged Kayla when he was so angry about her not doing her work? He was trying to create a better self-image of himself to Kayla. He was using self-talk to realize he shouldn't have yelled at Kayla. He used self-monitoring to adjust his behavior to Kayla. He did a construction of self to determine his behavior was wrong.


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Other Subject: Construction of self to determine his behavior was wrong
Reference No:- TGS03421008

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