
Construction of prime move for aircraft generator

1) Design a layout for a thermal plant and describe the functions of each components of that plant.

2) What do you mean by chain reaction in nuclear power plant? Also describe the process of nuclear fusion?

3)(a) Write down the advantages and Disadvantages of hydro-power plant.

(b) Describe the functions of the following 1.Reservoir, 2.Dam, 3.Spill ways, 4. Intake, 5. Fore bay, 6. Penstock, 7.Surge tank.

4) What do you mean by pumped storage plants? Explain the principle of operation of such a plant with neat sketch. Also explain the role of this plant in a large inter-connected power system?

5) Explain with neat sketch construction and principle of operation of an electro static precipitator. Write down its advantage over mechanical ash separators.

6) Write brief notes on 1. Condensers, 2. Economizers. 3. Air pre heaters 4. Super heater. 5. feed water system. 6. Cooling tower.

7)(i) Write down electrical systems and sub stems used in aircraft and its requirements.

(ii) Explain the construction of prime move for aircraft generator in detail.

8) Describe the working of a gas turbine power plant with a suitable schematic diagram.

9) Design block diagram of a diesel power station and explain its operation. What is the requirement for distributed generating system?

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Mechanical Engineering: Construction of prime move for aircraft generator
Reference No:- TGS011452

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