Construction of genetic map on the basis of transfer of gene
Four Hfr stains of E. coli are known to transfer their genetic material during conjugation in different sequences. Given the time of entry of the markers into the F- recipient:
A. Construct a genetic map that includes all of these markers. (12 points)
B. Label the time distance between adjacent gene pairs. (11 points)
C. Indicate the points at which the F factor is located for each of the strains. (4 points)
Hfr Strain 1 Markers arg thy met thr - -
Times in min 15 21 32 48 - -
Hfr Strain 2 Markers mal met thi thr try -
Times in min: 10 17 22 33 57 -
Hfr Strain 3 Markers phe his bio azi thr thi
Times in min 6 11 33 48 49 60
Hfr Strain 4 Markers his phe arg mal - -
Times in min 18 23 35 45 - -