Construction law find case and answer questions who filed

Construction law: Find case and answer questions

• Who filed for bankruptcy?

• What type of bankruptcy?

• What happened to the project?

• Reasons?

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Business Law and Ethics: Construction law find case and answer questions who filed
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Sa Khan

8/20/2015 2:21:58 PM

Dear Sir/Madam, According to FIDIC Redbook 1999 performance security and royalties are paid by the Contractor. But I have payment items in the priced Bills of Quantities. Engineer refuses to pay following the order of the priority of the documents. Is he right? On the other hand there was no item in the BoQ for payment of Stamp duty but the same Engineer paid to us stamp duty payable by the Employer under FIDIC Redbook 1999. The Particular Condition are silent. Kindly let me know you authentic opinion on the argument.