
Construction and working of solar collector

1) Draw the layout of steam power plant and describe the function of each component.

2 ) State several methods of ash handling, explain the pneumatic system of ash handling.

3) a) State the kinds of boilers.

b) Specify different kinds of cooling towers and describe its functions.

4) Sketch a neat design of La mount boiler and discuss its principle of operations.

5) Describe the construction and working of the nuclear power plant.

6) Sketch the layout of a Hydel power plant and decribe its operations.

7) a) Explain the availability and limitations of the non conventional energy sources.

b) Explain the construction and working of the solar collector.

8) List down wind mills types and explain any one.

9) a) Explain the parameters for selecting the plant location.

b) Compare and contrast the economics of steam, hydro, nuclear and gas urbine power plant.

10) A power plant supplies the following loads to consumers:

Time in Hrs:    0-6      6-10  10-12   12-16    16-20    20-22      22-24
Load in MW:    30        70     90        60            100        80             60

a) Sketch the load curve and evaluate the load factors of the plant.

b) Explain the load factor of a stand by equipment of 30 Mw capacities if it takes up all loads above 70 MW?

c) Describe what is the use factor?

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Chemistry: Construction and working of solar collector
Reference No:- TGS013505

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