
Construction and working of four port circulator

1) Describe the operation of the Magic tee and deduce the scattering matrix for it.

2) Specify and describe some of the properties of S parameters.

3) Explain several types of the directional couplers with neat diagram.

4) Describe the construction and working of the four port circulator with reference to the Faraday rotation principle.

5) Describe the working of TWT amplifier with the help of neat sketch.

6) Sketch and describe the operation of the Klystron Oscillator.

7) Describe different modes of the operation of Gunn diode.

8) Describe the construction and operating principle of the IMPATT Diode.

9) Sketch the block diagram for slotted line method of VSWR measurement and describe.

10) Describe the measurement of load impedance through slotted line method. Explain in detail.

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Electrical Engineering: Construction and working of four port circulator
Reference No:- TGS012972

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