1. Seigniorage and Exchange Rate
Consider the following information:
(i) Money demand (notin natural logs): Mt/Pt = Yt/(1+i)b, where the Fisher Equation i = Π is satisfied.
(ii) Inflation (prices are in natural logs): Π = pt+1 - pt
(iii) Monetary rule (in natural logs): mt = αt (with α > 0)
(iv) Output is growing over time (in natural logs): yt = θt (with θ>0)
(a) Construct the price dynamics equation pt. What is the growth rate of Pt? Explain your result.
(b) Given your answer in (a), find the money growth rate α that maximizes Seigniorage, and it corresponding maximum Seigniorage in period t = 9
(c) Suppose that the government only wants to collect $8 in Seigniorage in period t=9. If θ=0.5, find the money growth rate(s) that achieve(s) this objective.
Use the above information with two exceptions: (i) income is constant (θ=0), and (ii) the monetary rule is now:
{(2 if s=t,t+1,t+2,...,t+T-1)}
ms =
{(4) if s=t+T,t+T+1,...)}
(d) If the PPP and UIP equations are satisfied with pt* = it* = 0, find the exchange rate dynamics equation and plot -with precision- its time path.