Construct the phase diagram for hypothetical metals A and B, between 20°C (room temperature) and 700°C, given the following information:
• metal A melts at 480°C;
• the maximum solubility of B in A is 4wt% B, occurring at 420°C;
• B does not dissolve in A at room temperature;
• there is a eutectic at 420°C and 18wt%B;
• there is another eutectic at 475°C and 42wt%B;
• an intermetallic compound, AB, exists at 30wt%B; it melts at 525°C;
• metal B melts at 600°C;
• the maximum solubility of A in B is 13wt% A, occurring at 475°C;
• the solubility of A in B at room temperature is 3wt% A.