
Construct physical model for pressure acting on piston

A compactor is a press that is employed to crush bulky material into a smaller volume. The system shown uses a pneumatic (or high pressure air) actuator. Air at pressure P suddenly enters the cylinder and is then kept constant.

Construct the physical model based on the following. Let the suddenly applied pressure P be represented by a downward vertical force (fa) acting on a mass representing a lumping of the piston/press assembly and one-third of the bulky material. Assume the the bulky material is elastic and also the crushing of it absorbs energy. Thus, model it with a stiffness element and a friction element in parallel which connect the lumped mass to the platform.

You are to make the system to meet conditions when the masses in the system are stationary in a position of static equilibrium with fa=0. You must properly size the system and select appropriate physical parameters to meet the following conditions. The constant elongation in each of the support springs must fall within the range of 0.03m and 0.07m, that is, be less than 0.07m and greater than 0.03m and the crushing action spring must fall within the range of 0.04m and 0.12m. All the springs must be in compression for the given position. In order to appropriately size the system, the bulky material must be 35kg. The lumped mass must be six times the mass of the platform. Indicate all parameters in appropriate SI units.

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Mechanical Engineering: Construct physical model for pressure acting on piston
Reference No:- TGS0738239

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