
Construct an sbu analysis based on the sbus identified in

Please do SAEC and SEL on Airbus company. Identify issues about the company and the external environment it is in, that is a relevant industry sector (from global perspective and with consideration of ethical decision making). Recommend the strategy for it, and strategy implementation (functional strategies). The strategy recommendation depends on the strategic problems observed and identified through the tools used in the SCAN analysis. So please remember that the topic is your company, and the issues addressed in the recommended strategy are the strategic problems to face in your project.

This is the first part of your strategic plan. This will be the ONLY part where you include data that you have researched (be sure to reference your facts when doing this paper). When you get to SEL you will use this information to identify a strategy that you think the firm should follow (as opposed to one that they are following). Then you will describe how they should implement your strategy (not what they are currently doing). The implementation will be the second assignment in SEL, with the first being an edit of this assignment from SAEC. Thus SEL will demonstrate YOUR ability to make decision about how best to manage a firm's resources as opposed to your ability to conduct research.

Use secondary sources to identify the following:

Company highlights to start with: locations, annual profit, growth rates, no of employees, performance (as should be much more numbers-driven)

• Identify their mission and the vision of their current CEO

• Assess the macro environment (specific to the industry not to the firm) or PESTEL analysis

• Assess the micro environment (be sure to include the relationships it has with its stakeholders - channels, suppliers, other allied firms, customers, employees etc)

• Identify the variables most relevant for the analysis of the industry of the company in question. It is vital to identify the variables that matter most for the industry as the industry drivers

• Assess the competitive environment and the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor

• Present competitive mapping with very distinctive for the sector unique dimensions

• Strategic problem(s) should be identified and addressed

Use common strategic management tools and the previous data to:

• Apply Porter's five forces to the industry

• Apply Porter's Diamond Model to their geographic market

• Construct a SWOT analysis of the firm and VRIO Analysis

Looking at the environmental constraints and the mission and vision of the firm and the SWOT- what appears to be their current over arching strategy sometimes called their generic strategy (corporate strategies are described in Hunger and Wheelen text but can be things such as TQM, growth through acquisitions, cost leadership, etc) - create a TOWS matrix to illustrate the above information

Construct an SBU analysis: Based on the SBUs identified in the organizations annual report, analyze its current business portfolio and identify the investment opportunities for the firm and the business level strategy for each SBU consistent with the strategies from the TOWS matrix. Business level strategies are typically either the Porter strategies or the Miles and Snow strategies. You need one strategy for each SBU, they may be all different or some may be the same strategy based on the competitive environment.

Present portfolio analysis (BCG matrix or GE screen)

Summary conclusions should be after each tool used with recommendations for the strategic direction.

Strategy and the environment are said to be dynamic. The strategy influences the stakeholders and the stockholders influence the strategy. For example when analyzing customer segments, firm's identify the their target market that have buying behaviors are synergistic with the firm's resource and capabilities and their strategic direction. They hire employees that have the knowledge to support the strategy. Similarly they form relationships with their channels and suppliers to help leverage their current resources and implement their strategy. Even stakeholders look at the firm and its strategy to assess the value of the organization (this value can be for value that they add for each stakeholder) and its long term viability In your discussion of the strategy of the firm discuss these factors and the impact of the strategy on each of the firm's stakeholders. Be sure to include ethical impact of the strategy and how you are able to leverage the firm's resources (Include a VIRO analysis in order to identify the resources that you will be able to leverage in order to implement your strategy) including its human capital for a successful strategy.

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Software Engineering: Construct an sbu analysis based on the sbus identified in
Reference No:- TGS0981347

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