In this question, we study how we can define a cluster graph for a Bayesian network.
a. Consider the following two schemes for converting a Bayesian network structure G to a cluster graph U. For each of these two schemes, either show (by proving the necessary properties) that it produces a valid cluster graph for a general Bayesian network, or disprove this result by showing a counterexample.
- Scheme 1: For each node Xiin G, define a cluster Ciover Xi's family. Connect Ciand Cjif Xjis a parent of Xiin G, and define the sepset to be the intersection of the clusters.
- Scheme 2: For each node Xiin G, define a cluster Ciover Xi's family. Connect Ciand Cjif Xjis a parent of Xiin G, and define the sepset to be the {Xj}.
b. Construct an alternative scheme to the ones proposed earlier that uses a minimum spanning tree algorithm to transform any Bayesian network into a valid cluster graph.