
Construct alarge nine-cell diagram that will represent your

Conduct anexternal and internal analysis for the selected firm.

Explore theopportunities and threats in recent issues of newspapers and magazinesand on internet, relevant to this sector. Find out the weaknessesand strengths of that firm and prepare a precise and comprehensiveSWOT analysis in bulleted form.

Prepare the EFE matrix for that company with not more than 10 externalfactors relevant to the firm. Prepare theIFE matrix for the company with not more than 10 internalfactors of the firm.

Construct alarge nine-cell diagram that will represent your TOWS matrix forthe firm. Label the cells appropriately and suggest 5-10 strategiesusing TOWS matrix.

Diagram theBCG matrix for 5-10 products of the selected firm. In the lightof all your findings, suggest 4-6 strategies for thefirm based onsolid reasoning and proper justification.

In the end,you are required to prepare QSPM to analytically review the relativeattractiveness of feasible alternative strategies. (Any 3 strategiesshould be used)

In the lightof all above, suggest some recommendations for the firm and crux orconclusion of your research findings.

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Accounting Basics: Construct alarge nine-cell diagram that will represent your
Reference No:- TGS0595521

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