Construct a truth table and find the minimized boolean


Assessment item 1 part i:

Using Interact2 Blog tool, please engage yourself in the peer learning and teaching activities with your fellow classmates by posting at least one question on Topic 1. Your questions may be related to different terminologies related to the history of computing, or measuring units used in computing technologies, or historical evolution of computers, or any other related subjects covered in Topic 1.

You also need to answer at least one question or post comments on a question/answer posted by the other students. You can also rate other questions and answers posted by your classmates or the lecturer. This assessment part will be used to identify students at risk.

Assessment item 1 part ii:

Using Interact2 Blog tool, please engage yourself in the peer learning and teaching activities with your fellow classmates by posting at least one question on Topic 2. Your questions may be related to different terminologies related to numerical systems of computing technologies, or different representation techniques used in computing systems, or calculation methods of different data representation methods, or any other related subjects to Topic 2.You also need to answer at least one question from the questions posted by the other students. You may also rate other questions and answers posted by your classmates or the lecturer. This assessment part will be used to identify students at risk.

Assessment item 1 part iii:

Using Interact2 Blog tool, please engage yourself in the peer learning and teaching activities with your fellow classmates by posting at least one question on Topic 3. Your questions may be related to different terminologies related to digital logic and Boolean algebra, or design and interpreting complex digital circuits, or Boolean algebraic problems, or any other related subjects to Topic 3. You also need to answer at least one question from the questions posted by the other students or put few comments on questions and answers posted by other students. You may also rate other questions and answers posted by your classmates or the lecturer.

Assessment item 1 part iv:

Using the Interact2 Blog tool, please engage yourself in the peer learning and teaching activities with your fellow classmates by posting a topic in the trends in computing technology or writing critiques on the guest lecturer's speech or blog posted by other students. Your Blog topic should be clearly identify your investigation and evaluation of the related trends of computing technology. You should also demonstrate your ability to communicate with others, in the discussion of future trends in computing technology, by commenting on other blogs posted on this topic submitted by other students.

Your blog entry should be at least 200 words and each comment should be at least 50 words.

Assessment item

Assignment - Data representation & Digital logic


1. Represent the following decimal numbers in both binary sign/magnitude and twos complement using 16 bits: -29.

2. A Computer uses IEEE-754 format to represent floating points. What value (in decimal) the computer represents if the floating point is represented using the following binary digits: 0 01111110 10100000000000000000000

3. X'Y + XYZ' + Y' + XZ (Y+Y') = 1

4. Charles Sturt University (CSU) academic director want to select students in Sydney Study Center to give them Gala Dinner Award. The recipient has completed three subjects at least, two of them are core and the third is elective . Before he will select him, he must check three subjects.

He has come to the following conclusions:

- Give if two of core are High Distinction (HD) and elective subject is not.
- Give if one of the core subject and elective subject are HD.
- Don't hire otherwise.

Construct a truth table and find the minimized Boolean function to implement the logic telling the director when to hire. Draw a circuit diagram for the Boolean function.

5. Complete the truth table for the following sequential circuit:


Assessment item


1. A digital computer has a memory unit with 48 bits per word. The instruction set consists of 240

different operations. All instructions have an operation code part (opcode) and an address part (allowing for only one address). Each instruction is stored in one word of memory.

a) How many bits are needed for the opcode?
b) How many bits are needed to specify the register?
c) How many bits are left for the address part of the instruction?
d) What is the maximum allowable size for memory?
e) What is the largest unsigned binary number that can be accommodated in one word of memory?

2. Write a MARIE program using a loop that multiplies two non-negative numbers by using repeated addition. For example, to multiply 3 x 6, the program would add 3 six times or add 6 three times. You should write and run the program using MARIE simulator. Also write the code with Address, Instruction, and Comments.


3. Consider an instruction Add 1000. Memory contents, Accumulator (AC), and R1 Register contents are depicted in the below figure: (such as memory address 1000 contains a value 1400, memory address 1100 contains a value 400 etc. All the numbers used here are decimals).

Assuming R1 is implied in the indexed addressing mode, determine the actual value loaded into the accumulator (AC) using the following addressing modes:

i) Immediate
ii) Direct
iii) Indirect
iv) Indexed

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Other Engineering: Construct a truth table and find the minimized boolean
Reference No:- TGS01704953

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