
Construct a truth table and find the minimized boolean



Answer the following questions:

1. Under the von Neumann architecture, a program and its data are both stored in memory. It is therefore possible for a program, thinking a memory location holds a piece of data when it actually holds a program instruction, to accidentally (or on purpose) modify itself. What implications do this present to you as a programmer?

2. A Computer uses IEEE-754 format to represent floating points. What value (in decimal) the computer represents if the floating point is represented using the following binary digits:


3. Convert the followings:

a. 0xAC12 to binary

b. -10710 to 8-bit 2's Complement

c. 10011110 (8-bit 2's complement representation) to decimal

d. 11001101012 to Hexadecimal

4. Construct the XOR operator using only AND, OR and NOT gates.

5. Charles Sturt University (CSU) academic director want to hire a lecture in Sydney Study Center. The applicant has worked in three universities before; University of New South Wales (UNSW), Macquarie University, and Sydney University. Before he will hire him, he must get input from these three universities. After few weeks of receiving feedback from all three, he has come to the following conclusions:

Hire if two of them say yes and one says no.

Hire if all of them say yes.

Don't hire otherwise.

Construct a truth table and find the minimized Boolean function to implement the logic telling the director when to hire. Draw a circuit diagram for the Boolean function.

6. Complete the truth table for the following sequential circuit:

Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment.


This assessment task covers topic 1 to topic 3, and has been designed to ensure that you are engaging with the subject content on a regular basis. More specifically it seeks to assess your ability to:

• be able to define and appropriately use computer systems terminologies;

• be able to describe the concepts of data representations and use appropriate methods of implementation;

• be able to apply Boolean algebra and digital logic to design and interpret digital circuits.

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Computer Engineering: Construct a truth table and find the minimized boolean
Reference No:- TGS01121051

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