Question: The chemical reactor in Figure has the following properties: well mixed, isothermal, constant volume, constant density. The chemical reaction occurring is A → B with the reaction rate r& = -kCA. The concentrations of the reactant and the product can be measured without delay. id) The total feed flow (F) and the feed concentration (CA0) are the potential manipulated variables for the reactor effluent composition control.
(a) Construct a regulatory control scheme that will control these two variables (F, Cao) simultaneously to independent set point values, and sketch it on the figure. You may place the sensors and final elements for these variables anywhere you think appropriate.
(b) Derive a dynamic model for Cr(.s)/CA0(-s)- Analyze the model regarding (i) order, (ii) stability, (iii) periodicity, and (iv) step response characteristics.
(c) Derive a dynamic model for Cb is)/Fis. Analyze the model regarding (i) order, (ii) stability, (iii) periodicity, and (iv) step response characteristics.
(d) Based on the results in (b) and (c), which of these two manipulated variables would provide the best feedback control for Cb for a set point change using PI feedback control?