
Construct a reflection discussing the ethical concern


Consider the following practice situation and the ethical issues present in the situation. Construct a reflection discussing the ethical concerns (citing the NASW Code of Ethics specific areas which apply), the steps you would take in ethical decision making, and the decision you would make in addressing each of the ethical concerns:

Jan is the 16-year-old daughter in a family you have been seeing for family therapy for the past 3 months. Her parents drop her off for the regular family therapy scheduled appointment and say that "Jan wanted to meet with you alone today" as an explanation for the change in plan. Once in your office, Jan begins to cry and tells you that she just found out she is pregnant and that she plans to leave home so she will not bring shame to her family. She informs you that she has not told her parents about this and wants you to promise to protect her privacy and not share any of this information with her parents.

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Other Subject: Construct a reflection discussing the ethical concern
Reference No:- TGS03298503

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