
Construct a probability plot that will allow you to assess

Construct a probability plot that will allow you to assess the plausibility of the lognormal distribution as a model for the rainfall data of Exercise 83 in Chapter 1

Exercise 83. Consider numerical observations x1,..., xn. It is frequently of interest to know whether the xi s are (at least approximately) symmetrically distributed about some value. If n is at least moderat ely large, the extent of symmetry can be assessed from a stem-and-leaf display or histogram. However, if n is not very large, such pictures are not particularly informative. Consider the following alternative. Let y1 denote the smallest xi, y2 the second smallest xi, and so on. Then plot the following pairs as points on a two-dimensional coordinate system:

a. What does this plot look like when there is perfectsymmetry in the data? What does it look like when observations stretch out more above the median thanbelow it (a long upper tail)?

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Basic Statistics: Construct a probability plot that will allow you to assess
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