
Construct a notice of privacy policy

Assignment task: Construct a notice of privacy policy (NPP) for your current employer if you work in healthcare (do not just copy your organization's existing one). If you do not work in healthcare or do not want to use your current employer for this assignment, please use either the USA Urgent Care Clinic or USA Medical Center as your organization.

You should keep your NPP as short and simple as possible while still insuring that all necessary information is included. Remember that your target audience is your patients, so make sure the NPP is written in terms that they can understand. You may use NPPS that are available online as a starting point, but I want you to sufficiently customize them so that they are appropriate for your organization. Keep in mind that many of the NPPs found online may not satisfy current requirements.

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Other Subject: Construct a notice of privacy policy
Reference No:- TGS03295589

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