
Construct a job description for this position you will need

You are a Division I Athletic Director and are searching for a new Head Women's Basketball Coach.

1. Construct a job description for this position. (You will need to reference other sources to help you prepare this job description, but you are not allowed to "cut-and-paste" from these sources.)

2. Develop a list of 10 questions you will ask the candidate during a one-on-one interview session. For each question you choose, state what your reasoning is for asking this particular question.

3. Discuss the qualities and characteristics you would look for or want this individual to possess, as well as anything that might be "show stopper" such as a negative characteristic you would not want your candidate to possess. (2 part question)

You must keep in mind that your goal should be to determine the ethical foundation of your candidate.

You will want to determine whether or not this person will work well in your athletic department with your staff and be a role model for your student-athletes.

Keep in mind that you will need to use at least two additional references for this assignment and properly cite them in your paper and the bibliography.

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Business Management: Construct a job description for this position you will need
Reference No:- TGS02275226

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