
Construct a histogram of the frequency distribution

The following scores were obtained by a college sophomore class on an English exam:

1281_Data 04.jpg

a. Construct a frequency distribution of the ungrouped scores ( ).

b. Construct a frequency distribution of grouped scores having approximately 15 intervals. List both the apparent and real limits of each interval.

c. Construct a histogram of the frequency distribution constructed in part b.

d. Is the distribution skewed or symmetrical? If it is skewed, is it skewed positively or negatively?

e. Construct a stem and leaf diagram with the last digit being a leaf and the first digit a stem. Repeat stem values twice.

f. Which diagram do you like better, the histogram of part c or the stem and leaf diagram of part e? Explain.

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Applied Statistics: Construct a histogram of the frequency distribution
Reference No:- TGS02141709

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