
constraintsthere are a number of constraints


There are a number of constraints under which resource sharing networks must operate. Some of these are briefly discussed in this section. Of course, these constraints may be present to some degree even when no resource sharing takes place. 

It is obvious that resource sharing cannot be accomplished unilaterally. Rather it requires concerted action of a number of libraries and entails changes in functions and attitudes on the part of users, librarians, and administrators. It definitely involves application of processes and technology which might exceed the financial means of single libraries and probably requires involvement of nationally supported activities. 

It is clear that a commitment to the network concept carries with it a high degree of mutual inter-dependence among individual member libraries. M important question in this regard is how much of traditional local autonomy and democratic governance structures can be retained,   while still preserving the rights of all members and protecting the right of the user to equality of access? In other words, how can individual and institutional values be protected in the face of a dominant network technology?

It appears that of late, attention is being directed through the packaging of various computer-based 

  1. traditional automated systems,  
  2. public access catalogues, 
  3. online search services, 
  4. electronic document delivery, 
  5. microcomputer-based video disk services, 
  6. electronic mail service, and
  7. non-bibliographic databases. 

This type of packaging of services might eventually lead to the system whereby a library user can sit down at a computer system and interact with it moving through both local and resources of other libraries distantly located emerging with a question answered, a document retrieved, a document ordered and with a sense of great achievement of having learnt something. 

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Management Theories: constraintsthere are a number of constraints
Reference No:- TGS0175743

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