
constraint satisfaction problemsfurthermore i was

Constraint Satisfaction Problems:

Furthermore I was perhaps most proud of AI on a Sunday. However this particular Sunday, a friend of mine found an article in the Observer regarding the High-IQ society, a before brash and even more elitist version of Mensa. Since their founder said that their entrance test was much difficult that some of the problems had never been solved. However the problem given below was in the Observer as that an unsolved problem. Now after looking at it for a few minutes there I confidently told my friend as I would have the answer in half an hour. 

Then after just over 45 minutes there I did indeed have an answer so my friend was suitably impressed. In fact see the end of these notes for the details. Obviously, I didn't spend my time trying to figure it out as whether you want to split the atom, you don't sharpen a knife.

So there instead I used the time to describe the problem to a  constraint solver that is infinitely better at these things than me. Thus the constraint solver is part of good old Sicstus Prolog then specifying the problem was a matter of writing it as a logic program - it's worth pointing out that I didn't justify how to find the solution that just what the problem was. So now with "AI" programming languages as Prolog to every then the intelligence behind the scenes comes in very handy, of course. Hence once I had justified the problem to the solver as a mere 80 lines of Prolog and it took only one hundredth of a second to solve the problem.

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Computer Engineering: constraint satisfaction problemsfurthermore i was
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