Constitutional rights of the accused are very controversial

1. Constitutional rights of the accused are very controversial. Crime control model would be against releasing someone on a technicality. The due process model holds basic rights over making a mistake. Is there any common ground with either of the two views?

2. American law uses the adversarial system as opposed to an inquisitorial system. In the inquisitorial system, the judge takes on the role of questioning witnesses. Which system is the better method? Would the judge be able to sort out the evidence equally?

3. One of the biggest changes in the court system is the adoption of technologies. This has become a societal change in the way people view the effectiveness of courts. Is the use of technology become the determining factor is establishing innocence or guilt?

4. The concept of “due process” does not have a generally accepted meaning and varies from situation to situation. What is the core principal of due process and where is the concept directly incorporated?

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Operation Management: Constitutional rights of the accused are very controversial
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