
Constitutional provisions or statutes for california law

Assignment Task:

1. Any applicable constitutional provisions or statutes for California law and/or federal law. It is not necessary to cite to administrative regulations for this assignment.

You will quote the relevant constitutional provisions and statutes in the "Short Answer" portion of your paper.

2. Relevant federal and California cases which address the issue or issues in your topic assignment. You MUST cite to at least four (4) cases in your memorandum: two from the federal courts and two from California courts. It is important that you locate the most recent case law from the highest appellate court that has addressed the issues involved. You will be required to do a case brief for the four required cases.

3. You must Shepardize ALL primary authority cited. You will be required to provide a copy of the page from the most recent Shepard's publication (hardcopy or Lexis page) that lists each authority. This will be attached at the end of your memorandum and is not included in the page length requirement.

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Other Subject: Constitutional provisions or statutes for california law
Reference No:- TGS03382328

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