
Constitutional amendment


Paper instructions:


Constitutional amendment is the process of adjusting the constitution of the state to more suitable to the people, and for the social and economic growth of its people. The law is composed of that talk about the state jurisdictions and powers to its citizens. The first three sections discuss the division of powers of the federal government. Articles four to six describe the responsibilities taken by the state governments. The last article talks about the procedure used by the lasts states to approve it. The constitution has been amended to make sure that justice is provided to all. It was also used to restrict the federal powers in governing. In order to amend the constitution, the must be a process used one must have a majority in the legislature and have approval. I agree with many of the laws the constitution has to offer, but as a New York delegate, if it were up to me, some changes would be made.

Beginning with section one of article one, which states that the legislative powers shall be in the congress of the United States. First I would vest this power to one party. This would reduce the misuse of power and create a monopoly where powers of the legislature would be vested to one party.  And since the congress is split into two, A senate and a house of representatives, I would make one in charge. So in both cases all reasonability goes to one party or authority.

In the second section which states that the affiliates of the House of Representatives would be chosen by the people every second year. It also says that the House of Representatives shall choose their speaker who will have the power to impeach. This article is fine, but I would make some changes whereby the member’s chosen, as the house representatives would qualify at the age of eighteen. This is because many potential people out there can represent but due to this age gap, many loose this chances since by that age most are filled with life obligations.

Section five states that each house will run its elections and be able to govern them. This is a positive step since it shows the independence of each house, since it will determine its proceedings and punish those who behave inappropriately. This will improve commonness and unity of the members of the house and shows respect between the States. The congress will also have the power to apply appropriate legislation for the whole article.

Section six articulates that the senators, as well as the representatives, shall obtain a commission for their services. They are privileged from arrest during attendance of their sessions. This law should be amended since it gives the senators freedom from justice, all persons should be subjected to the law and no exemptions should be made.  If a senator or representative does any crime, he should be removing from his seat, and a new one elected.
Section seven states that bills for a rising credits shall originate from the House of members, but the senate can provide changes. Bills shall pass over the House of Representatives then become a law then passed to the president who will sign it. This is a vigorous exercise for implementation of the law. The senate or House of Representatives should take the role of making the bills for its members it represents.

Section nine states that the import of people from the state will only be by proper process.  No duty for any article from any state. Amendment of this article should be concerning the migration of people in this different states, migration to different states should be free for this will encourage trade and will also improve domestic tourism.

Article two, of section one, states that the executive power shall be jacketed in a president, own office throughout the term of four years together with the vice president. No person except natural born citizen can apply to be a president he shall receive payment during the period of service. This article requires amendment where the powers of the executive should not be vested fully to the president since he should only be concerned with issues of the country. The electors shall also meet their respective states by vote for president and vice president.

Section two articulates that the president is the head in chief of the army, navy, of several states, have the power to fill up all posts in the break of the senate through granting commission. Be able to appoint ambassadors, public ministers and judges. This article should be amended where powers of the army should be placed on one person because the president may decide to practice dictatorship by taking over the country using the army. Appointment of this people chosen by the president should be by voting same way as others are chosen this will make people choose leaders of their choice, and no special offers will be granted to any person.

Section two of article three states that all crimes will be acted upon by the judiciary except trial of all crimes except cases of impeachment shall be by the judiciary and held by the state. This article should be amended and allow the state should be allowed to govern all cases. The judiciary shall not be able to extend any law persecuted by a citizen of any unknown state.

Section three articulates that any treachery against the US will be responded by war, and no person will be sentenced of treason unless two witnesses. The congress shall have control to state punishment of treason. Letting the jury settle all cases concerning treason and not the congress can amend this.

Article five states that when two-thirds of the house will want an amendment this will be possible by calling a convention for proposing the amendment. This should be amended where the citizens should have the right to amend the constitution. This will remove any selfish interests from the state and will be in favor of all.

Article six states that all debts got before the adoption of the new constitution shall be legal. This will make sure that any agreements made before will be legal for consideration. In the second clause, it says, that the judges need to use the constitution as a guide when they make decisions in court system overruling state laws. This appeals to me because no matter what state one is being trialed in, he has constitution always overruling state laws, whether that state or judge is a racist or a bias person. The third clause includes no religious requirement for any law enforcement under the United States. Since America is growing to be one of most diverse countries in the world, this clause is one of the most important ones.

Article seven, the last article, states that once nine states support the Constitution, then all these laws will be passed, and the states must follow the laws they ratified. The last sentence tells us the date, September 17, 1787 and how it’s the twelfth year of independence.

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