
Constituents you the residents and voters input on issues

Communicating with elected officials is an important part of public health advocacy. Written communication to the different branches of government is often used by health and advocacy groups to ensure their perspective is considered in the debate on an issue.

Advocacy groups often engage their member advocates in campaigns to directly communicate to their representatives to assure the community voice is included in the discussions and to influence legislators and regulators.

Constituents' (you, the residents and voters) input on issues is a valued part of the democratic process and should not be underestimated. Elected officials often make decisions about voting, and even introducing, bills in response to public communication.

This week's discussion is centered on drafting a letter to one of your elected representatives (Federal, State or Local) regarding a position on a piece of legislation.

Each student will also provide input to two peer letters. Each peer post is expected to give constructive feedback to your peers, to identify ways that this letter could be improved or enhanced. Use course concepts. You are writing a draft letter on a health issue you care about for your primary post.

many people are not sure who their elected representatives are.

1) Visit this site to find your representatives at the Federal, state and local level. Identify which level of government you wish to send a letter to and find that elected official's address.

2) Include the name and legislative title of one of your elected representatives you are writing the letter to


Representative Susan Davis,

United States Congress

3) Include an introduction and an advocacy issue appeal in your letter. The letter should be at least three paragraphs.

The introduction includes information about your personal experience, education, and interests and must include a statement of your constituency.

Constituency means all the people (voters), served by a particular elected official. In other words, a district that is representative of a specific legislator. For example, if I live in Carlsbad, I am a constituent of the 49th congressional district in California.You also need to introduce the issue you want to have addressed in a sentence or two.

The advocacy appeal is a statement on behalf of a community asking for the issue to be addressed, thanking them for a recent vote on the issue, or expressing disappointment or concern about their vote or an issue. It often includes education about the issue and is backed up by fact. Advocacy for a general solution about the problem includes suggesting a policy option or principle you think will address the problem.

For this assignment, your appeal should include a policy option.

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Dissertation: Constituents you the residents and voters input on issues
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