Response to the following :
Verify the results of Example 1 using the VPULSE function and a pulse width (PW) equal to five time constants of the charging network.
Example 1:
The resistor R2 was added to the network of Fig.(C), as shown in Fig.(A)
a. Find the mathematical expressions for iL, vL, vR1 , and vR2 for five time constants of the storage phase.
b. Find the mathematical expressions for iL, vL, vR1 , and vR2 if the switch is opened after five time constants of the storage phase.
c. Sketch the waveforms for each voltage and current for both phases covered by this example and Example 2 if five time constants pass between phases. Use the defined polarities of Fig.(B).
Find the mathematical expressions for the transient behavior of iL and vL for the circuit of Fig.(C) after the closing of the switch. Sketch the resulting curves.