
Consists of an individual who is willing and able to

Respond to each peer with 3-4 sentenses long.

Peer 1

Many people leave their place of employment each year. The reasoning behind this could be they have reached retirement age, were not a good fit for the company, wanted to be closer to family, or they wanted to expand their career by entering a new place of employment. I, myself, left the Oklahoma City Police Department to move back to Michigan to be near family. However, if we did not have our daughter, we may have stayed out in Oklahoma.

Law enforcement in general may have a higher turnover rate than most employers. This could be due to the occupational hazard and not always guaranteed to return home to their family each night. In addition to occupational hazard, law enforcement provides larges amounts of stress. This could be due to never leaving work on time, lack of breaks, and a large a call volume with a short amount of time to take the call. Law enforcement agencies focus on how fast a call can get done so another call may be taken. This may cause a large amount of stress on a person, especially if he or she feels the call could have been responded to more effectively if they were able to stay on it for a longer period of time.

One thing I have noticed with the younger generation is they are relying more on technology, not wanting to talk to people face to face, and do not possess very much common sense. This could be a problem in the law enforcement world because people have to interact with other people and not always in the best circumstances. Also, people have to have common sense to properly solve problems. Many law enforcement personnel rely on knowing the city blocks to navigate to calls. However, with technology on the rise, the younger generation does not learn how to read maps, which is greatly used in law enforcement.

Another generational difference may be that the older generation does not want to learn the new technology trends. The older generation may be frustrated with the younger generation because the younger generation handles things differently than the old generations. The different generations grew up in different eras so they may offer background in many different areas. According to Riccucci 2012, "...individuals will have different values and experiences throughout the aging process." The different generations coming from different backgrounds could lead to huge misunderstandings, which may create bigger problems in the future.

According to Philippians 2:14-16, "do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, 'children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.' Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain." Instead of bringing each other down because of generational differences, we should be encouraging each other. By encouraging each other, we can work better as a team and have a lower turnover rate.


Leadership within the Criminal Justice system to me, consists of an individual who is willing and able to maintain the Justice portion of the Criminal Justice System itself. This means, this individual, would be a person with leadership abilities, a person who has a more powerful capability to seed out the right people for committing crime. Leadership is knowing that you have to place certain people, environments, and situations together in order to provide justice within the community.

Any individual who knows that if they put certain people on certain assignments and the outcome of chaos would be more likely than a positive outcome, so they decide to change the situations, then that is great leadership. Leadership to me, is knowing that the overall success of the organization, the respect of everyone within the organization, and justice for victims and their family members are the main focuses of the organization itself.

I know of a police department in my local area, in which in my own opinion, is horrible at leadership. There have been times when I have heard certain officers respond to local citizens in negative ways and there were no disciplinary actions against them. To me, that shows poor leadership, because any leader who know that this could result in either harm to the officer or the civilian.

An organization with great leadership, would understand that they must change the environment for the officer in order for him to prosper and the citizens to feel respected. I believe that without great leadership, everything just crumbles and there is no justice nor positivity as the end result.

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Dissertation: Consists of an individual who is willing and able to
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