consideration1 from above equation it is clear


1. From above equation, it is clear that centrifugal tension is not dependent of T1 and T2. It depends upon velocity of the belt. For lower belt speed (that is, Belt speed less than 10m/s) the centrifugal tension is very small and can be neglected.

2. When centrifugal tension is to be taken into consideration then the total tension on tight side and slack side of belt can be given by

For tight side = T1  + Tc

For slack side = T2  + Tc

3. Maximum tension(Tm) in belt is equal to maximum safe stress in belt multiplied by cross sectional area of the belt.

Tm = σ (b.t)


σ  = Maximum safe stress in belt
b = Width of belt and

t  = Thickness of belt

Tm  = T1  + Tc  ---- if centrifugal tension is considered = T1  ------- if centrifugal tension is neglected


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Mechanical Engineering: consideration1 from above equation it is clear
Reference No:- TGS0174930

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