
Consider your accomplishments this term describe the

English Reflection Paper Assignment

In lieu of a final exam for this course, you will create an e-portfolio of your written work this semester. The objectives of this assignment are to get you to examine the various pieces you have produced and reflect on your writing process and how your writing has grown. The e-portfolio comprises your final exam grade. The portfolio must be submitted in order to pass the course. It is worth 7% of your final grade.

Final portfolio due online: Friday, April 28that 11:59 pm

Your portfolio should contain the following sections:

- A bio on your home page (1or 2 paragraphs). See instructions on your Digication home page.

What do you want your peers to know about you, your interests and goals? You can upload a photo of yourself here.

- A rationale for the portfolio that explains the purpose of reflecting on your work this semester (one to two paragraphs).

- The final drafts of your three writing projects.

- A 3-page final reflection essay that assesses your work in this course. (See details below).

Reflection Essay

Before you begin writing the reflection essay, look through the work you have produced during this course, including:

• All of your final writing projects
• All of your process materials such as brainstorming notes, sketches, drafts, revisions, peer reviews, reflections, etc. for each project.
• Any freewrites or other writing exercises we have done in class.
• Any other homework or handouts.

The final reflection essay is a 3-page, typed essay (double spaced and using 12-pt. font) analyzing your work in Eng 107 during this semester. This analysis will generally answer the question: What is the status of my writing after this semester? You may use specific examples from your work and comments from your peers and instructor to support your points. Your analysis should address aspects of both writing process and product (final drafts).

To develop your analysis, respond to only3-4 of the following questions:

• Consider your accomplishments this term. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of your work in terms of both your writing process and your written texts.

• Which essay(s) do you feel especially proud of? Explain why.

• Which essay did you learn the most from (in terms of your writing progress)? Describe what you learned.

• Describe revision strategies you found helpful. Explain why they were helpful.

• How did your critical thinking skills develop for any of the writing assignments?

• What kind of writing progress did you make in terms of English language development, including proper use of grammar and syntax, sentence fluency, etc.?

• Discuss how in-class work or homework helped you in your writing.

• What problems did you encounter as you progressed throughout the course? How did you attempt to solve these problems?

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