
Consider whether the standard uragrnund approach is more

A male is in a night club with his date. An intoxicated female. about the same sizel as the male. approaches the couple.l and badly insults the male's date. The male gets in the intoxicated females face and demands that she apologizes. She refuses and says. 'No way. you can't bully me.‘ She then moves back a few feet. reaches in her purse. brings out a nail ?le with a pointed hp, and says. 'You cant make me do anything." The male steps forward. punches the intoxicated female in the gut. grabs his date's hand. and heads for the exit. The intoxicated female learns the name of the male and files a hatter].r complaint with the police.

1. Using this provision of Florida's Stand-Your-Ground Law, analyze whether the male acted in self-defense. Give reasons for your conclusion and Support your opinion with appropriate :itationsi'references.

Include in your paper a discussion of the public policy debate ower stand- your-ground.

2. Consider whether the standard urAgrnund approach is more likely to deter or escalate violence. Give reasons with supporting citations-references

Give reasons with supporting citations (references: Would you keep stand; your-ground. modify it or repeal it.

You will need to submit this Work by 11:59 pm #2. it will be worth 34 points.

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Dissertation: Consider whether the standard uragrnund approach is more
Reference No:- TGS02386615

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