As you consider the content of songs that you might use for your list, consider various instances of the intersection of social judgement and the rights of the LGBTQ population:
a) history of persecution of the population (e.g., Nazi Germany, Matthew Shepard, AIDS),
b) restrooms,
c) domestic partnerships/marriage,
d) adoption,
e) custody of biological children,
f) legality of self-expression (e.g., cross-gender clothing, holding hands in public),
g) serving in the military,
h) workplace discrimination,
i) medical support,
j) protecting LGBTQ youth,
k) religion.
Submit the following in your post:
• list of five songs, include the title and artist along with the year it was released,
• a two- to three-sentence description of each song, and
• a few sentences describing the reasons you chose each song for your list.
Make sure that you spend more time describing the reason you chose the song than you do explaining the contents.