Sound Waves
Consider the wave equation
∂2s/∂t2 = c2Δs
when the solution s admits spherical symmetry, ie, s(t,x,y,z)=v(t,r), where r = √x2 + y2 + z2, the wave equation becomes:
∂2v/∂t2 = c2/r2 ∂/∂r(r2 ∂v/∂r) (1)
making the substitution
v(r,t) = h(t,r)/r
for some twice differentiable function h, show that (1) becomes
∂2h/at2 = c2 ∂2h/∂r2
hence, show that the general solution reads
v(r,t) - 1/r (ƒ(r-ct) +g(r+ct))
for any twice differentiable functions f and g.