Directions: Be sure to explain your answers fully and cite any references including links to websites used in development of your answers. In your answers, be sure to touch on the course the mes of energy, engineering, systems, stakeholders, and regulations.
1. Consider the US electric grid system. Energy storage can be accomplished in many ways and the use of battery technology is being promoted as a key component when combined with renewable energy. Consider a typical daily load profile for total demand like the one shown below. Describe and analyze how battery storage as a distributed energy resource (DER) can be incorporated into municipal distribution system.
2. Recall the presentation made by Karen Bandhauer where she introduced the concept of the circular economy. Consider the homework assignment where you developed a waste stream process flow diagram for waste-to-energy conversion. Look at the following links that describe moving towards a circular economy.
Link #1: rd_a_circu lar_economy
Link #2:
Describe and analyze the circular economy for a municipality having the characteristics like the City of Fort Collins.
3. Recall the guest discussion in class given by Spirae CEO Sunil Cherian. Cons ider Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems (DERMS) and the v ariability of supply and demand inherent is distributed energy resources (DER) operating below a substation in a distribution utility. Describe and analyze what and how a distribution utility will effectively manage the DER variability while at the same time maintaining (or increasing) reliability in order to "keep the lights on" in a city with a municipal electric utility like Fort Collins. For more information, see