
Consider the two period economy we studied in class derive

Question 1 - Consider an individual who lives two periods and whose utility function is given by

U(c1, c2) = [lnc1 + γg1] + β[lnc2 + γg2], 0 < β < 1 and γ > 0.

where β is the discount factor, γ indicates the individual's preference for per capita government spending gt, and ct denotes consumption in period t. Government expenditures in both periods are financed with taxes proportional to consumption. More specifically, suppose that for each unit of ct consumed, our individual must pay the amount τtct to the government, where τt denotes the consumption tax rate in period t.

(a) Write down the budget constraints the consumer faces in periods 1 and 2 and then use these constraints to derive the consumer's lifetime budget constraint (the PVBC) as we did in class.

(b) Derive the consumer's Euler equation.

(c) Interpret the Euler equation derived in (2).

(d) Is government consumption (g1 and g2) directly affecting the optimal bundle (c1, c2) chosen by the consumer? Explain why or why not. [HINT: You don't need to derive optimal c1, c2 to answer this question, just focus on the Euler equation.]

Question 2 - Consider the two period economy we studied in class. Suppose that households live for two periods and have a per-period utility as

u(ct) = c½t for t = 1, 2.

(a) Derive the Euler equation and briefly interpret it.

(b) Derive the household's optimal consumption in both periods and saving.

(c) Solve for the equilibrium interest rate. [Hint: Recall that the household consumes everything that it saves.]

(d) What is the effect on the equilibrium interest rate from a permanent income shock, i.e., when both y1 and y2 change equally?

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Dissertation: Consider the two period economy we studied in class derive
Reference No:- TGS02833335

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