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Part 1 - Consider the task, and the capabilities of Excel. Design a suitable spreadsheet-based application that addresses the requirements. The model must conform to the detailed requirements specified later in this document, must support the overall task and must provide the deliverables listed below. It must include both a significant number of nontrivial formulae, and also VBA macros to achieve the required functionality, control and usability
Submit a report, clearly marked with your ID that includes:
- a logic model that represents the entities and their logical inter-dependencies required to achieve the basic functionality, and a short review of how it informs your design (200 words approx.).
- a diagram that shows of the layout of the spreadsheet model, with an explanation of the key design aspects, decisions and assumptions about the model, including choice and purpose of the sheets, and their broad layout. It should also visualise the relationships between the sheets, and should outline the user interaction and any special features or functionality that you wish to emphasise. You will get relatively few marks for merely describing your work - you must say why your design is appropriate, as well as assessing its strengths and limitations (refer to the literature and module notes). You should not need to specify detailed cell references, but might label different sections to help explain the working. You should explain what will function with formulae and what will use macros (800 words approx.).
- a specification (in pseudo-code / English, not VBA) of a macro that will implement a key element of automation provided by the spreadsheet (150 words approx. in addition to the code itself). Do not just explain the pseudo code operation; say how it adds value to the application.
- a sketch1 of an informative chart that could be generated from your data, with a brief justification of its purpose and its particular chart type (100 words approx.).
- two original (i.e. not given below) ideas about additional functionality you might realistically include in your implementation (200 words approx.).

1. The main value of the separation of Part 1 and Part II is to emphasise the importance of the design as a pre-requisite to implementation, as well as to encourage progress and creative, collaborative initial design.
2. You may include support for one additional feature within your design, if you wish, as long as it does not compromise communication of the basic concept.
3. I will provide feedback and a mark for part 1 within 3 working days of the deadline if it is submitted by the deadline.
4. For part II, you may change and develop ideas about their individual model, and may use as well as critique the earlier ideas.
5. Part 1 does not require computer implementation, but appropriate computer tools may be used if you wish. The report should be word-processed, however.
6. Word limits are approximate guides only; however answers that are too verbose (e.g more than 20% over the guide) may incur penalties. Conciseness is generally a virtue in academic reports.
I wanted to know if you do Excel programming with VBA and macros.
I would want you to do part 1 first only which is basically the design and logic model of the whole program
Please see that the solution should be with proper write ups and everything as it is asked in the question.
Attachment:- Assignment.rar