
consider the relations given below borrower idno

Consider the relations given below
Borrower (id_no, name)
Book (accno., title, author, borrower_idno)
(a) Define the above relations as tables in SQL forming real world assumptions about the kind of the fields. Define the primary keys and the foreign keys.
(b) For the above relations answer the subsequent queries in SQL
What are the titles of the books borrowed through the borrower whose id-no in 365.
(i) Find out the numbers and names of borrowers who have borrowed books on DBMS in ascending order in id_no.
(ii) List the names of borrowers who have borrowed at least two books.

a) Create table Book
(Accno int Primary Key,
title char(30),
author char(30),
borrow-idno int references Borrower_id.no );
Create table borrower
(id-no int Primary Key,
name char(30) );
b) (i) Select title from Book, Borrower where Borrower.id_no =Book.borrower-idno and borrower.id_no = 365
(ii) Select id_no, name from Borrower, Book where Borrower.id_no= Book.borrower_idno and title= ‘DBMS' order by id_no asc;
(iii) Select name from Borrower, Book where Borrower.id_no = book.borrower_id_no having count (*) > 2


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Database Management System: consider the relations given below borrower idno
Reference No:- TGS0283142

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