
Consider the problem of a user-specified number n of


Consider the problem of a user-specified number N of resistors with user-specified values of resistances connected in series across a battery whose terminal voltage VB is also user-specified. The N resistances are represented by a one-dimensional array R[N]. Design a program in C which will compute in an infinite loop the following:

  1. the equivalent resistance req to the N series-connected resistors,
  2. the current I in the circuit,
  3. the voltage array V[N] representing the voltage across the N resistors, and
  4. the power array P[N] representing the powers dissipated in the N resistors.
  5. The problem is to be solved using the method of call by value in which the calculation and outputting of req, I, V[N] and P[N] is to be performed from within a prototype function called "series" placed after the main function. Note that the formula for the voltage across resistance R[i] is V[i] = R[i] * I, and the power dissipated in resistance R[i] is P[i] = R[i] * I2.

When executed, the program will do the following in the indicated sequence:

1. Ask the user to type on the keyboard a value for the number N of resistors connected in series.

2. Ask the user to type on the keyboard the values R[0], R[1], R[2],.., R[N-1] of these N resistors.

3. Compute and display on the console the value of the equivalent resistance req to the N resistors connected in series which is given by the formula req = R[0] + R[1] + R[2] + ... + R[N-1.

4. Compute and display on the console the value of the current I in the circuit given by the formula I=VB/req.

5. Compute and display on the console the values of the elements of the voltage array V[N].

5. Compute and display on the console the values of the elements of the power array P[N].

6. Go back to step 1 and repeat the process ad infinitum.


Modify PROGRAM A so that the N resistors are now connected in parallel across the battery. In the present program, the calculation is to be of the equivalent resistance req to the N resistors connected in parallel, the current I supplied by the battery, the current array I[N] representing the currents in the N resistors, and the power array P[N] representing the powers dissipated in the N resistors.

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Basic Computer Science: Consider the problem of a user-specified number n of
Reference No:- TGS02741847

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