When planning EBP implementation, it is important to understand the health care system at the local level so interventions can be tailored to the affected population. Having an understanding of the individuals and organization that will be involved in the implementation and the current or past interventions that have worked can help the nurse in understanding a problem and formulating a plan for change (Spring, Ferguson, Pender, & Starin, n.d.). In talking with my mentor she stated that when looking at the local level of health care nurses must consider the community that will be effected, the hospital or organization that serves the community, the policies and procedures of the hospital/organization, and possibly even the department within the hospital/organization that will be effected. This allows the nurse to make specific interventions and implementations based on the needs of the targeted group (Armenta, 2017). An example if this can be seen with my capstone project of early mobility of ICU patients. By understanding the current practice of the ICU at Banner Estrella I am able to research and find evidence based solutions specifically for the facility which may not be applicable for other hospitals. Another Banner facility in the Phoenix area does practice early mobility of their ICU patients, specifically ventilated ones, so my change practice would not be appropriate there. When considering EBP implementation the nurse must also consider the perspective of the stakeholder, tailoring the strategies for the appropriate subgroup, and how communication will be conducted (Spring, Ferguson, Pender, & Starin, n.d.).
Armenta, C. (2017, December 3). RN. (A. Tucker, Interviewer)
Spring, B., Ferguson, M., Pender, D., & Starin, A. (n.d.). Implementation of evidence based practices. Retrieved from
Evidence-based behavioral-practice: https://www.ebbp.org/course_outlines/Implementationmoduleoutline.pdf