
Consider the mask as a symbol what is the literal mask of

Regarding the poem choice:

The poem must be in the course text.

If the poem you are considering as the topic of the discussion -- and the literary analysis essay -- is not in the assigned reading, I ask that you discuss your choice with me.

This "discussion" is intended only to ensure that the analysis not be more challenging than necessary.

In response to a question about the poem, "We Wear the Mask" by Paul Dunbar I offered the following discussion:

Consider who the speaker is and who the speaker is speaking of, the "our" and "we" of the poem. Since the author is African American and lived in the late 1800s and into the early 1900s, the voice is typically assumed to be speaking about the African American experience; however, the poem's meaning can be generalized to any group that is marginalized.

Consider the imagery and the type response it evokes. How does the poem appeal to the senses? Rather than thinking in terms of the poem "causing the reader to . . . ," consider that the poem evokes or elicits a type of emotional response; that is, the poem brings that emotion into consciousness rather than "making a reader" respond a certain way.

Consider the mask as a symbol. What is the "literal" mask? What does it represent symbolically?

Consider the mask as an allusion: According to the Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia masks were used "in ancient Greek drama [to represent] the character being portrayed by the actor and were constructed to portray a fixed emotion such as grief or rage" ("Mask"). In Greek theatre, there were typically only a few characters, but there was also a chorus that either spoke in unison or were represented by one speaker. The chorus represented the voice of the community as well as serving as a narrator and a transitional element between acts or scenes in the play.
"Mask." Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. (2013): n. p. Literary Reference Center Plus. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.

If you have questions about your poem choice, let me know.

A reminder: While you may go to online sites for some general information about the poem you have chosen, you are expected to use that information only as a springboard for ideas. In other words, your choices about discussion and support should be based on your critical reading and the information in the course text. Additionally, use the glossary in the course text for definitions (not general internet searches), and if you need a definition, use an online collegiate-level dictionary (One is recommended in the course syllabus).

If you want to read further, use library databases: The Literary Reference Center Plus is a good resource, and there is a citation tool there.

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English: Consider the mask as a symbol what is the literal mask of
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