
Consider the lifetime value of customers



Question 1: Many marketing researchers have their favorite research approaches or techniques, although different researchers often have different preferences. What Is the Best Type of Marketing Research? Take a position: Marketing research should be quantitative versus marketing research should be qualitative.

Question 2: Consider the lifetime value of customers (CLV). Choose a business and show how you would go about developing a quantitative formulation that captures the concept. Then discuss how would organizations change if they totally embraced the customer equity concept and maximized CLV?

Question 3: Describe the process you would use to determine the best product positioning for any one of the following (no need to do more than one):

• A breakfast cereal targeting children
• A nonprofit organization focused on foster care
• A line of power tools targeting women
• A brand of shampoo

(Be sure to avoid just assigning positioning based on your own thoughts and predisposition. Ensure that your focus on the process that would be used to determine the positioning.)


Criterion 1: Overall, does the question response successfully answer the question that is asked? Does the response cover the appropriate content in-depth, and completely, without being redundant?

Criterion 2: Does the response demonstrate a clear and thorough understanding of the course materials covered thus far, as applicable? Is the author able to use course concepts to elucidate nuances?

Criterion 3: Does the response present insight into the question asked, reflecting a depth of thought and consideration of multiple viewpoints? Even if personal narrative is used or a personal position is advocated, does the response use objectivity, scholarship, and reason to make its points, rather than simply author biases?

Criterion 4: Is the response logical and well•argued? Is there a theoretical and/or objective basis or framework for the authors claims? Are the claims clear, evidence wel•articulated, and warrants obvious?

Criterion 5: Overall Writing Quality:
a. The paper flows from general ideas to specific conclusions and/or vic•versa. All sections follow a logical order. Transitions tie together sections as well as individual paragraphs.
b. Ideas are clear, original, and focused. Main idea stands along with details.
c. Sufficient information included. Information clearly relates to the main thesis. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.
d. Provides a clear and compelling thesis
e. Sentences clearly relate to the paragraph's main idea
f. Paragraphs clearly and effectively relate to and support the thesis.
g. Writer provides examples and quotes that answer the readers questions and add depth to the writer's ideas.
h. The writing/language is clear and concise.
i. There are no (or very few) mistakes in grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.
j. The writing does not ramble.
k. There are few•to•no errors in APA style.


a. Length: You should answer all questions. You should be able to answer each question in about 1.5 • 3 pages, double-spaced. This assignment should be NO MORE 10 pages double spaced (not including cover page, reference page and any exhibits in an appendix).

DO NOT exceed this length.

b. Citation and references: Be sure to link your points and proposals to supporting details from the case and the text. Drawing these links helps to support your answers and demonstrates your broader critical evaluation of this assignment in the context of our overall learning journey. Remember every piece of information you use from an outside resource ought to have a citation after it and every citation needs to have a full reference at the end of your document. Please cite all of your sources (including the textbook) using AM format. Do you have questions about paraphrasing, quoting, citing sources, or including references? This short 14 minute video is from a woman who runs a university writing lab. It will take you through APA basics. Check it out at: http:/Avww.youtube.comAvatch?v=v2C4urNiQko&featureem-share_video_user

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Other Management: Consider the lifetime value of customers
Reference No:- TGS01783850

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