
Consider the interval 030 yn2 - 06yn1 - 016yn 5xn2 a find

Consider the interval [0,30]: y[n+2] - 0.6y[n+1] - 0.16y[n] = 5x[n+2].

a.) Find zero-state response if the input is x[n]= 4^(-n)u[n]

b.) Find zero-state response if the input is x[n]= cos(2npi/6)u[n]

c.) Find impulse response of the system.

d.) Find zero input response to the system with y[-1]=1 and y[-2]=2 using Matlab filtic function.

e.) Find total response using input in part (b.) and initial conditions in part (d.)

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Electrical Engineering: Consider the interval 030 yn2 - 06yn1 - 016yn 5xn2 a find
Reference No:- TGS0561837

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