
Consider the general transformation of independent variables


Consider the general transformation of the independent variables x and y of the equation

Auxx + Buxy + Cyy + Dux + Euy + Fu = G............(1) to new variables μ, ν where

μ= μ (x,y), ν = ν (x,y)

such that the functions and are continuously differentiable and the Jacobian

j = ∂ (μ,ν) / ∂(x,y)= |μx μy / νx νy|= (μx νy - μy νx) = 0

in the domain Ω where the equation (1) holds.

Using the chain rule of partial differentiation, to show that the differential equation transforms into the differential equation

A‾uxx + B¯uxy + C¯uyy + D¯ux + E¯u_y + F¯ = ¯G


A¯ = Aμ2x+ Bμxμy + Cμ2y

B¯ = 2Aμxνx + B (μxνy + μy νx) + 2Cμyνy

C¯ = Aν2X + Bνx νy + Cν2y

D¯ = Aμxx + Bμxy + Cμyy + Dμx + Eμy

E¯ = Aνxx + Bνxy + Cνyy + Dνx + Eνy

F¯ = F, G¯= G

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Engineering Mathematics: Consider the general transformation of independent variables
Reference No:- TGS01940157

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