Consider the following requirements for an airline ticketsbooking system. The system is composed of manyairlines. Each airline is identified by a code, name and headquarter’s address. An airline has different mileprograms, identified by a type- code, description, andstarting date. The different types of flights offered by anairline have a unique number, day of theweek, departure time, arrivaltime, origin, destination, andstops (if applicable). Passengers are allocated intoflights and are identified by a number, name, address, sex and age.A passenger can subscribe for one mile program of a certainairline. The system records information about the passengers bookedin a flight, together with the date, seat, pilot-name, andcrewmembers of that flight. The system also maintains informationabout the miles accumulated by each passenger in a certain flight.This information is kept as a mile-order identified by a number,quantity and date. The booking can be done through a travel agency,identified by a code, name, address, contact person, and phonenumber. For each passenger in a flight a menu is served. Thedifferent menu options have a code and a respective description.The menu can be of type vegetarian, low fat, and kosher. For eachvegetarian and low fat menu, information about the protein leveland Kcal, respectively, of the meal is recorded. Each kosher mealhas to be approved by the kosher community.
a.Draw the ER diagram above scenario by illustrating the attributesof the entities andrelationships.
b.Draw a star schema for the above ER diagram scenario and mentionall facts necessary to calculate for the analysis of the company.