
Consider the following data often used interchangeably in

Consider the following data. Often used interchangeably in dialogue, induction and deduction actually refer to very different processes for making assumptions from data. Both are explanations for the natural human action of forming evidence-based conclusions about the environment. However, inductive reasoning starts with specific data and generalizes, while deductive reasoning starts with the general and moves toward the specific. Review the information on deductive and inductive reasoning in your Thinking text before completing the following exercises.

Consider how the following inductive arguments could have been constructed:

  • Senior staff members are less likely to accept change.
  • All salesmen are crooks.
  • Any proposal made by Rick is going to be flawed.Now, based on the following premises, what can you deduce?
  • Cheryl is a slow typist. I have a large project that needs transcribing.
  • I am always really sleepy on Monday mornings. I have a meeting this Monday morning.
  • My computer is slow and frustrating. I have to be online a lot today for a video conference. As you consider your response, review other readings and conduct additional research. Contemplate the following statements and questions about inductive and deductive reasoning and incorporate them into your writing as you formulate your response. You do not necessarily have to answer these directly, but they are intended to stimulate your critical thinking process, and they should form a background for your response. Evidence of your reasoning will be a component of your grade.Reflect on the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning.Deliberate on how each is utilized in drawing inferences and assumptions in critical thinking.Write a scholarly response based on your research, your critical thinking, and your own experiences. In your response you should:
  • Develop an inductive statement and a deductive statement, and post them to the Discussion Board. Include the reasoning behind the structure of the argument, as well as your assessment. Which statement was more difficult to write?
  • As a manager, when and how would you use inductive and deductive reasoning in decision making? Is there a time when it would be preferable to use one but not the other? Justify your response using a scholarly source.
  • How would you avoid reaching wrong conclusions by using these reasoning processes?

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Business Management: Consider the following data often used interchangeably in
Reference No:- TGS02241086

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