Consider the customer satisfaction model show below. Explain why it is important to measure customer expectations as well as actual satisfaction from consumption or usage.
Next, create a framework using the customer relationship management model as seen below.

In this Assignment, you will be using the PowerPoint narration tool to create your own audiovisual presentation. Once you have done this, you can put this skill on your resume. Audiovisual presentations are used in everything from customer service response, training employees, solving problems in the workplace, explaining instructions to colleagues and responding to stakeholders concerning business issues.
Given the proliferation of loyalty programs, how can you differentiate your program from competitors programs?
Your framework should be as specific as possible. For example:
? What does your database look like and include? Why?
? How will you analyze your database? What formulas or methods will you use in your analysis? Give a fictional example.
? Give a rationale for selecting your customers. Will it strictly be based on profitability or will you use other variables?
? How will you reach your customers?
? Create a customer relationship marketing program.
? Consider privacy issues.
? How will you measure your results?