
Consider the circuit demonstrated in this weeks

  • Consider the circuit demonstrated in this week's presentation. Analyze the circuit to determine the following (include both polar and complex forms where applicable):
  • Zeq
  • IT
  • IR1
  • IL1
  • Real Power (Watts)
  • Reactive Power (VARs)
  • Apparent Power (Vas)
  • Power Factor
  • Construct the circuit in MultiSIM and run a Single Frequency Analysis to confirm your calculations for the phasor values in part 2. Capture a screenshot of the analysis for both Magnitude/Phase (polar) and Real/Imaginary (complex). Create a table with your expected and measured results.
  • Measure the real power of the circuit and the power factor using a watt meter. Capture a screenshot of the watt meter readings.
  • Based upon the power factor, determine the value of the capacitors needed in each case to bring the power factor to the following values. Be sure to show your calculations.
  • Power Factor = 0.85
  • Power Factor = 0.95
  • Power Factor = 1.00
  • Insert each of the capacitor values found in step 5 into the circuit one at time and confirm the power factor correction with a watt meter. Use a 5% tolerance for the capacitors. Capture a screenshot of the watt meter for each case. Create a table of expected and measured results. Comment on how well the desired power factor was achieved and any reasons for discrepancies.

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Other Engineering: Consider the circuit demonstrated in this weeks
Reference No:- TGS01423508

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